Now I am 60 plus [was born in year 1947]
I started regular smoking at age of 23 years & quit at age of 36 years.
At that time I was smoking 60 cigarettes a day.`
You have read allot about harms of smoking. But not much is emphasized
on harm to fetus if any of the parents are smoking & they are living together
If one decides to quit smoking. He has to think, if he looses one of the limbs, will he keep on living or commit suicide.
• Smoking is a habit not intoxication. So the call to smoke is of habit not intoxication.
• Alcohol & Bhang also fall in the same category.
• Intoxications like Hashish, LSD are real.
- To find out, the call is of habit or intoxication, is very simple.
- If it is a habit, urge shall be persisting, till it is satisfied.
- If it is a serial intoxication, it will call at the time body requires it. After (say) about 30 minutes one shall feel intoxicated,
irrespective of, whether he consumes item or not.
- The effects shall be lesser & crave shall be harder. This feature will persist for a few days.
While smoking we inhale carbon mono oxide [CO] also with carbon di oxide [CO2] & carbon particles.
Carbon mono oxide clogs the blood cells.
When we inhale fresh air oxygen [O2] between the puffs of cigarettes; the clogged blood cells bust, in turn the blood converts back to normal shape.
This particular process gives the pleasure to a smoker. The visible indications are one is smoking after a long time he starts swatting, even in cold whether.
To achieve the same effect, one has to hold his breed till he can. In the process some carbon mono oxide will be formed, & create same effect.
Following presentation shall inform more about the subject
Here's how a Normal Lung looks…..
Here's how a Smoker's Lung looks…..
White area on top is the cancer this is what killed the person. The blackened area is just the deposit of tars that all smokers paint into their lungs with every puff they take.
A Normal Inflated Lung …..
A smoker's lung with emphysema...
The most well known smoking induced COPD ( Chronicobstructive pulmonary disease) is emphysema. This is another one of those diseases that primarily happen to smokers. Over 90% of the cases are smoking induced.
To get a sense of how a lung is altered by smoking to cause emphsema look at the pictures above. The first is a picture of an inflated non-smoker city dweller's lung. And second a smoker's lung with emphysema There is a very dramatic visible difference. Not only is the discoloration the issue, but the lungs have literally been ripped out of shape making breathing extremely difficult and eventually impossible.
To get a sense of what it feels like to breathe with emphysema take a deep breath and hold it. Without letting out any air, take another deep breath. Hold that one too. One more time, take one more breath. Now let it all out.
That second or third breath is what it feels like to breathe when you have emphysema. Emphysema is a disease where you cannot exhale air. Everyone thinks that it is a disease where you cannot inhale but in fact it is the opposite. When you smoke you destroy the lungs elasticity by destroying the tissue that pulls your lung back together after using muscles that allow us to inhale air. So when it comes time to take your next breath it is that much more difficult, for your lungs could not get back to their original shape.
Imagine going through life having to struggle to breathe like those last two breaths I had you take. Unfortunately, millions of people don't have to imagine it, they live it daily. It is a miserable way to live and a slow painful way to die.
Hopefully when you breathe normally today you are not in pain and you are not on oxygen. If you don't smoke you will continue to give yourself the ability to breathe longer and feel better. Never lose sight of this fact. To keep your ability to breathe better for the rest of your life, always remember to - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF !
A workable method I learnt today for QUITING SMOKING in the book
It is called step by step method
Your goal is quitting smoking
You march towards your goal
You start with a target not to smoke for one hour
Then for another hour
Then for another hour
At one point you give up
But do not get disheartened
Start again marching to wards goal hour by hour
Slowly the hours increase to 4, 5 & more
You start marching also faster towards goal i. e. 2 hour by 2 hour, then 3 hour
by 3 hour, & so on
Very soon you found the goal is reached & you have got rid of smoking habit