Monday, August 27, 2012


Abraham Lincoln defined             In India it can be defined
      Democracy is for the people               Democracy is foe of the people (mass)
      Democracy is by the people                Democracy is to buy the people (mass) 
      Democracy is of the people                Democracy is to off the people (mass)

Salient components of Indian democracy are
Members of parliaments (Center)
Members of assemblies (states)
Independent Bodies
Election Commission

POPULATION                  Is count of persons in India as per census report  

VOTER                            Is count of persons (above 18 years)

MASS                              Count of persons (above 18 years) who are
                                        Uneducated socially
                                        Know, neither their rights not duties.          
                                        Know their rights but not duties.

In India mass                  they counts at least 70%.
Approximately 90% of mass use their voting rights.

The person, who knows his rights & duties both, is hardly 20%.
He also understands very well:
·       His vote does not count.
·       Almost 90% of the contestants are not worth their vote. 
·       In turn most of this class does not bother/care to vote.
·       Only 20% of this class bothers to vote.

We can theorize very well; Democracy (in India) is not rule of public,
It is rule of mass or a few corrupt persons elected by mass (not public).

The mass, when selecting the candidate to vote, never thinks of society or country.
The variables that count for them are:
·       Groups, Casts, Sects,
·       Religion,
·       Muscle power,
·       Materialistic benefits e.g. Liquor, Blankets, Cash, Etc.
Let us look at another aspect; i.e. of the people contesting election

Analysis of cost of contesting a Parliament (Lok sabha) Election

·       To reach voter one require amount as under:
                    On an average, number of voters each constituency
                    Population of India                              = 1,20,00,00,000 No.
Persons with voting rights, above age
18 years with normal record (70%)      =    84,00,00,000 No.
                    Number of Parliament seats                =                  548 No.
                    Average voters (per Parliament seat)  =         15,33,000 No.

                    Minimum number of voters in a           =         10,73,100 No.
                      A small constituency (say 30% less)

                    Area of India                                       =        32,80,000 Sq. Km
                    Average area per constituency            =               6,000 Sq. Km
                            Divide by 548 (no. of Parliament seat)
                    Area of a small constituency                =               4,200 Sq. Km
                            (say less 30%)
Consider an average small constituency   10,73,100 voters in 4,200 Sq. Km

The contestant has to cover an area of                             4,200 Sq. Km
If the area is ideal square                             (say)             65 Km X 65 Km

The people are located in groups in localities.

Still to reach to voter it will cost atleast     
                    Transport                                  Rs. 10.-
                    Services of workers                 Rs. 10.-
                    Food                                          Rs. 10.-
                    Management & organization       Rs. 10.-
Stationary & other expenses     Rs. 10.-         Rs.50.-

To reach No of voters (1,073,100) @ Rs.50.00                            Rs.5,03,75,500.-

·       Security of life (of self) from other candidates
                    It will cost at-least another                                    Rs.1,00,00,000.-

Minimum cast of contesting a Parliament election                  Rs.6,00,00,000.-

If we take average area & average number of voters, the
                    Estimate will rise to        Rs.6,00,00,000.- /  0.7 /  0.7 

We understand from media & also from other sources,
The actual cost works out to approximate                                   Rs.10,00,00,000.-

To run the DEMOCRECY properly, an honest & sincerer Members of Parliament is required.

How shall we get such a contestant to invest Rs.10,00,00,000.- for membership of Parliament.

Moreover contestant will not get back this money anyway (if honest).

Suppose some honest man invests the amount & becomes a Member of Pariament. Now to contest the next election, he will require again (at least 80%) amount Rs.8,00,00,000.-.

Definitely no political party shall support him; as he is honest, party has no use of him.

From where he will get that?


There is another perspective:

If an honest & sincere man has got 10,00,00,000.-, then why should he bother to join a extremely difficult path of political life. He can put the money in bank, keeping living his life taking care of his hobbies & leave this world  when the time comes. LEAVING more than 10,00,00,000.- for his decedents.

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