Thursday, December 24, 2009


In Sanskrit simple meaning of word Yoga is addition.

The elaborate meaning of Yoga is strategy to achieve target.

There are several Yogas prescribed in SRI MAD BAHGWAT GEETA.

Sankhya Yoga Is a strategy to find solution of a problem by
analyzing the statistics available. We can say the full.

Hatha Yoga Is to achieve physical fitness, by using the parts / organs of the body itself. [Every one is practicing this today, around the world] to achieve fitness as well as freedom from all sort of diseases.
To progress fast in other Yogas [Excluding BHAKTI & DHYAN YOGA] one has to start with this only.

Following Yogas are used to achieve NIRVANA i.e. getting rid from the cycle of birth or achieving union of soul with the supreme power PARAMATMA / GOD.

Gyan Yoga Getting more & more knowledge about all the worldly / spiritual subjects [to apply SANKHAY Yoga]

Dhyan Yoga It is to concentrate
• On subjects studied [research]
• On nothing, to achieve bliss [of mind]
• On God with no shape to achieve NIRVANA
• On God with shape [Deities] to achieve worldly objects
• Raising of KUNDALINI SHAKTI is covered in this
• Achieving ASHTH SIDDHI [8 devine powers] AND NAV NIDHI [9 spiritual treasures] are also covered in this

Bhakti Yoga An easier / simpler way [the best prescribed in GEETA] to achieve all mentiomed above.

The Bhakti can be done
• As a servant
• As a slave
• As a son / daughter
• As a friend
• As a complainer
• Even as a master

Deities Are also form of GOD only;
This could be understood this way also,
GOD is a complete diamond & DEITIES are facets, granting wishes of the worshipper.
In other words each deity indicates one characteristic of GOD

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